Tim Dickau
Tim is the author of Plunging into the Kingdom Way and Forming Christian Community in a Secular Age: Recovering Humility and Hope. In addition to his role as director of Citygate Vancouver, Tim is also an associate at the Center for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall on the UBC campus where he leads the Certificate in Missional Leadership Program.
Tim is married to Mary, who serves as the Chaplain at Hopehill seniors residence. They have three adult sons, two daughter-in-laws and four beautiful grandchildren. They have lived with thirty-seven people over the last thirty years.
Amanda Mina
After more than 20 years working in a corporate environment, Amanda has shifted focus to work with non-profit groups and churches. In addtion to her work with Citygate, she works with Tim at the Centre for Missional Leadership focusing on communications and tech. Amanda serves on the Leadership Council with Reflector Project, a local non-profit that works to speak about Christian faith in a hopeful, non-divisive way. In addition, she is a producer and occasional voice on the podcast Rector’s Cupboard.