CityGate has partnered with the Centre for Missional Leadership by affirming Tim’s role as an associate of the Centre and his leadership in the Certificate program. The certificate is a three-year program for church cohorts to help them envision their future in the place they inhabit. Through the course, participants are assisted in moving towards missional communities that inhabit a holistic vision of the kingdom. Year one of the certificate program will be offered again beginning in September 2021.
ABOUT the centre for missional leadership
The Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall offers a Certificate in Missional Leadership for individuals and congregational teams. The three-year program focuses on “Forming and Reforming Communities of Christ in a Secular Age” with the first year specifically exploring “Missional foundations during COVID-19 and Beyond”. The aim of this program is to resource, strengthen, and widen the ministry of the churches. Each month, a learning opportunity is made available for church pastors, leaders and community developers. This course helps churches envision a hopeful future.

The Time is Now to Reimagine our Church Properties
How might we reimagine the use of church property and buildings across Canadian churches? That was the question that led CityGate to gather and curate a conversation with 30 people from across Canada – all of whom have been working on or thinking deeply around...